Saturday, March 12, 2005

Former Teacher Admits Sex With Her Student

(Mobile, Alabama) Melissa Daw Green, a 35-year-old former math teacher at Satsuma High School, has admitted to having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student. She explains:
"I was really going through some hard times, and this teenager was paying attention to me and flirting and then a relationship formed," Green said. "He was one of the very few who ever flirted with me. In the past, I had never given it a second thought. The only thing that I could say was different this time was the hard time I was going through."
Well, Melissa, boo-hoo and kindly shove your sob story. I've had hard times and I've been around flirtatious teens, but I haven't played with fire. And, responsible teachers don't have sex with their students.

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