Saturday, April 09, 2005

Tops Cutting Butchers

(Northeast, Ohio) It was only a few months ago that Tops Markets LLC, operator of dozens of supermarkets in NE Ohio, announced a blanket reduction in business hours and the closing of six stores. The cutbacks resulted in a loss of about 400 jobs and were implemented to minimize costs. At the time, I predicted that Tops would continue cost-cutting measures if it was unable to offer products at prices that are generally comparable to those offered by the competition.

Well, as predicted, Tops is continuing the trend. Slowly, the company is reducing its footprint in NE Ohio. This week, Tops announced the elimination of all butchers at its 49 local stores and the closing of two. The Solon store, located off Som Center and Aurora roads, and a Cleveland store located on Clark Avenue will disappear. It's anticipated that another 400 people will lose their jobs when all the changes have been completed.

I predict more layoffs and future closings. It appears that Tops is slowly fading as a prominent business entity in NE Ohio. My recommendation for employees is to man the lifeboats.

Of course, I could be wrong. I'm just a blogger.

[Update 07/09/06]

All TOPS stores in NE Ohio to be sold.

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