Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Feds to Fund Illegal Alien Medical Costs

Arizona Republic:
WASHINGTON - Starting today, hospitals and doctors in Arizona and other states can charge the federal government for the costs of providing emergency care to undocumented immigrants.

Arizona hospitals could receive up to $45 million a year for the next four years, according to guidelines released Monday by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
So, in a nutshell, the costs of treating citizens of foreign countries will be distributed to the taxpayers of all 50 states. All an illegal has to do is cross the border to get medical care and it's paid for by picking the pockets of every American taxpayer.

Simply put, I think this move will be a disaster. First, forget about any estimates cited in various reports and get ready for a massive increase in costs. History has proven as much. Once the government starts funding something, it grows exponentially and never goes away.

Secondly, the United States government rarely (almost never) gives money without strings attached. Consequently, any emergency room that takes one dollar of U.S. taxpayer funds is looking at a long term relationship with the regulatory whims and caprice of the federal government.

Thirdly, a precedent has been established for the federal government to wedge its nose into the operations of any medical facility that provides emergency services.

Fourthly, if the federal government pays for the medical care, is it not, in a sense, the de facto medical insurance agency of the illegal alien? As an insurer for patient medical care, is this not the stated goal of Hillary Clinton's socialized medical scheme?

In summary, having the feds pay for illegals is bad cheese.

Companion post at Diggers Realm.

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