Thursday, June 30, 2005

293kg Catfish Caught

FISHERMEN in northern Thailand have caught the biggest catfish on record -- a 293-kg giant the size of a grizzly bear -- and eaten it, the WWF and the National Geographic Society have said.

293kg Catfish
Record Freshwater Fish

The giant catfish, believed to be the largest freshwater fish ever found, was caught along the Mekong River, home to more species of massive fish than any river on Earth.

"We've now confirmed that this catfish is the current record holder, an astonishing find," Dr Zeb Hogan, a WWF Conservation Science Fellow, said.

Project members determined that this new catch was 11 pounds heavier than the previous record holder - another Mekong catfish.

"I expect we're still going to find bigger fish than these," said University of Wisconsin fisheries biologist Zeb Hogan, the project director.

"It's astonishing."

According to Hogan, the Mekong has heretofore been a good habitat for such monsters because it is one of the deepest rivers in the world, reaching depths of more than 200 feet.
This is all fine except for one thing. How was it caught? Did someone wrangle this bad boy into the boat with a rod and reel? How about bait? What did they use? A chicken? A box of chickens? Also, it would be nice to know what kind of hook snagged the monster. Or, should I say, what kind of harpoon?

Nevertheless, the monster was eaten and it had to have been one of the few times in history that a community fish fry was held and the word 'fish' was used in the singular.

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