Sunday, June 12, 2005

Found: Submarine - Inquire at Dock

(Scotland) When fisherman John Baker found a remote-controlled mini submarine worth more than a million dollars, he hauled it into his boat, took it ashore, and noticed it belonged to the Royal Navy. Consequently, he tried to give it back. The Royal Navy denied any knowledge of the sub until it was pointed out that it had their label. Of course, Baker and other fishermen were miffed and told the Royal Navy that if they wanted their submarine back, they should pay for its retrieval.

The Royal Navy said that they are not going to hand out taxpayers' money until there's an investigation and they refuse to comply with a ransom demand.

You know, this type of situation used to happen to me a lot when I was a kid. If a baseball was hit into this one kid's yard, he wouldn't give it back unless we let him pitch.

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