Friday, July 01, 2005

Slanting The News

(Miami-Dade County, Florida) The following headline at is irksome:
Woman Fatally Wounded While Driving SUV
The story indicates that the police have no idea whether Jazmina Calero, 45, was targeted or if she was hit by a stray bullet. Nevertheless, it seems totally irrelevant that she was driving an SUV. Calero could have been driving a golf cart and the outcome would have been the same.

So, why is the SUV mentioned in the headline? Easy, the liberal media seize every conceivable opportunity to put stink on SUVs. I apologize to for pointing out its eco-weenie bias, but only because I could very well pick any media outlet and find an equivalent example. The entire MSM are guilty of surreptitiously putting an anti-SUV slant in the news.

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