Tuesday, August 23, 2005

High School Has 65 Pregnant Girls

(Canton, Ohio) There's a report out of Canton that 65 girls at Timken High School are pregnant out of a total of 490 female students. NewsNet5.com and WorldNetDaily have the story, but that's about it. So far, it seems that most other media sources don't think it's important enough to mention.

From the standpoint of pregnancy rate, the 65 girls represent slightly more than 13 percent at the school which is only marginally higher than the national rate of 10 percent. From the perspective of the sheer number of pregnancies, it would seem logical to have an obstetrician and a gynecologist on the faculty. Alphabetically, the Timken High School Prenatal Department would fit nicely between mathematics and science. Expect your property taxes to increase accordingly.

Kidding aside, it's not unreasonable to anticipate that most of the pregnant girls won't finish high school nor is it unreasonable to expect that a host of grandparents are going to be asked to raise another generation of children.

It's an outrage.

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