Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Honor Killing

(Buner Valley, Pakistan) Two young lovers, 16-year-old Zahida and 18-year-old Sajjad, were caught being intimate in the corn field about 7km from the city of Daggar.

From The Frontier Post:
Khan Bahadure 20, shot them with 12 bore gun in the near by maze crops field and went to police station Daggar along with the gun on Monday.

The Daggar police brought the dead bodies to headquarter hospital Daggar for autopsy where the locals poured to see them.

As per the statement recorded by the assailant, he early in the morning saw both of them in objectionable condition in the nearby maze crops field and shot them dead on the spot. Police have registered the case and investigating.
Disregarding the poor English, one must suspect that Khan committed two murders then turned himself in to the police with an apparent air of nonchalance. He saw something objectionable, took care of it and, without trepidation, told the police. Notably, honor killings are usually not spur of the moment actions so it's probably reasonable to assume that Khan was directed by tribal elders to commit the killings or, at least, had their tacit approval. Such is life under Sharia law in the remote Buner Valley, flanked by some of the world's highest mountains, in the Northwest Frontier Province.

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