Tuesday, September 20, 2005

North Korea's Latest Shakedown

Any prudent follower of history would know that North Korea regularly commits to agreements and then reneges. In fact, it's a trait of communist police states. Ronald Reagan even formalized a diplomatic skepticism in his "trust but verify" policy in negotiations with the communist Soviet Union. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that, less than a day after signing an agreement to dismantle its nuclear weapons program, North Korea has decided not to comply unless the U.S. ponies up some light-water civilian nuclear power plants.

From ABC Online:
A senior US official says North Korea's claim is not in line with the deal signed in Beijing.

"This was obviously not the agreement they signed and we will see what the coming weeks bring," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

US officials have declined to comment more broadly on Pyongyang's declarations, which appeared to undermine a much-feted set of principles agreed upon earlier in Beijing.
Given North Korea's predictable lack of resolve in complying with negotiated commitments, it's hard to understand why the media has an orgasm every time an agreement is signed. By now, one would think the MSM would just shrug and frown like the rest of us.

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