Saturday, October 22, 2005

Dead Babies Found

(McKeesport, Pennsylvania) Many people wonder what happens to the dead fetuses, stillbirths, miscarriages, and abortions produced during normal operations of hospitals and clinics. Well, after the police were alerted by a call from an ex-wife, many were found in the detached garage of a house where Robert B. Winston Jr. once lived.

A former funeral director, Winston contracted with Magee-Womens Hospital to dispose of the remains by cremation but, instead, he collected them in his garage. Initially estimated at over 300, the exact number of human remains is unclear since they were commingled. However, according to the contract with the hospital, Winston was paid to remove 170 fetal remains of over 16 weeks and the remains of 19 live-born infants.

Consequently, Winston was charged with 19 counts of abuse of a corpse and theft by deception.
Deputy District Attorney Mark Tranquilli said the criminal charges resulted from remains of babies that were born alive, but lived only briefly -- generally for only a few hours.

"They're all births that took a breath or were still alive when they were born," said Lt. Christopher Kearns, of the county homicide division.
In my estimation, this case indicates that controls over human remains need improvement. If they can be thrown into the garage and forgotten about, they could show up anywhere. Also, with actual births, would there not be a birth certificate? And should not the death be followed with a death certificate? The whole process seems to lack definition.

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