Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hot Chilies Benefit Health

(Tasmania) Dr. Dominic Geraghty, Professor of Life Sciences at University of Tasmania, was awarded a $65,000 annual research grant in November 2000 to study the health benefits of hot chili peppers. His team of researchers attest to finding promising results indicating improved quality of sleep and possible benefit to cardiovascular health. [As an aside, the part about improved quality of sleep is not consistent with my own experience. I've found that chili peppers resting heavily in the digestive system are somewhat disruptive.]

I've heard that chili peppers provide health benefits, but this is the first time I've heard of a study and, frankly, based upon the report, the findings of the researchers are not convincing. It's not that I disbelieve the results of the research, it's that the findings are much less than conclusive. I'm always skeptical of reports that are hedged with "may" and "appears" and "might" and "could." With presumably more than $100,000 spent on the study, I would expect more than scientific spin.

Count me as quite ready to accept the fact that hot chili peppers are healthy, with or without Dr. Geraghty's research.

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