Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Complaint About Big Breasts, Small Butts

(via John Ray and the Sunday Mail) Check out a recent feminist complaint from Australia.
A beer advertisement championing females with large breasts and a small behind has been slammed as portraying Australians as "a bunch of crude, sexist yobbos." The Foster's beer ad has been seen extensively throughout the Russian Federation. It depicts a bikini with a small top and a large bottom above the caption "the law of life." Below that is a bikini with a large top and a small bottom captioned "the law of Foster's."

The ad has prompted an angry response from Australian women. Women's Electoral Lobby Australia chairwoman Eva Cox said: "It is bloody stupid. "Why would they bother antagonising a whole pile of women who could drink Foster's? "Companies have got to get a bit smarter about this sort of stuff." (more)
Now, excuse me for being dense about this, but why would women be antagonized for being physically attractive? One could easily believe that Eva Cox wants women, in general, and any reference to female physical attributes, in particular, to be excluded from all advertising. Why? I don't know, but I'd suggest that this woman named Eva Cox would benefit from a day of stiff homonyms. She needs to lighten up.

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