Friday, November 11, 2005

Motel Owners Charged with Harboring Illegals

(Phoenix, Arizona) The sheer number of illegal aliens entering the United States yearly indicates there must be many people helping them. This story suggests that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is actually going after people who aid and abet smuggling.

Thirteen owners of six Mesa motels are accused of harboring undocumented immigrants after a nine-month undercover operation, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced Thursday in Phoenix.

Authorities also are seeking forfeiture of five of the six motels, all on Main Street and valued at several million dollars. The sixth motel was sold and the new owners were not involved, officials said.
Take their property. That will do it. Few people are dumb enough to risk most of their wealth for the sake of illegals. But wait, maybe they weren't really helping the border jumpers all that much.
Federal agents raided the Mesa motels Tuesday and discovered 23 undocumented immigrants at the Majestic Guest Inn, according to records.

Owners of the Kiva Lodge, HiWay Host, Majestic Guest Inn, Westernaire, Centebar Suites and Apartments and the Roadrunner rented rooms, often at higher rates than regular customers, to undercover agents posing as human smugglers, according to the indictments. One owner offered to "take out all of the White people" if the undercover agent needed more room, records show, and another offered to sell soda to immigrants for $5 per can. Some owners allowed 10 people per room and one agent was charged $170 even though he only needed the room for a few hours.
So, apparently the motel owners were not acting out of altruism. Instead, they were screwing the illegals out of what little money they had.

Furthermore, of the 13 motel owners indicted, eight are named Patel and five are named Bhatka which I believe are Indian names. Consequently, Indian-Americans have been scalping illegal aliens smuggled from Mexico. Nonetheless, what they were doing is illegal and now they're shut down.

Companion post at Diggers Realm.

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