Thursday, January 19, 2006

Regarding Ken Blackwell for Ohio Governor

From Betsy's Page:
Whether Blackwell can pull off a victory in Ohio is in doubt. He may hold the lead now, but wait while the unions, NAACP, and other liberal interest groups unleash all their attacks. And the GOP in Ohio is so full of RINOs that they're opposing him too. The same Ohio GOP who have been raising taxes for years and electing weak leaders like Voinovich and Bob Taft don't want a real conservative like Blackwell to become the leader of their state party. We can hope that Ohio voters are more savvy than the Ohio GOP.
She's right. I've watched as Ohio Republican leaders have tried to duct tape themselves as conservatives while bending over for every liberal political breeze. It's worth noting that Mike DeWine is no different from Voinovich and Taft.

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