Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Governor's School and Susan Wiseman Sex Allegations

Susan Wiseman(Raleigh, NC) New developments have surfaced regarding allegations of sexual activity with a student by Susan Wiseman, a social studies teacher at East Forsythe High School in Winston-Salem.

Wiseman has been identified as one of two (2) teachers who presented an in-depth homosexuality indoctrination and recruitment seminar at the prestigious, taxpayer-funded, six-week Governor's School last summer. The seminar was not listed on any pre-attendance literature so the parents and families of the students were unaware that many would be subjected to a pro-homosexual agenda. Naturally, some parents were outraged.

From Paul Chesser at CarolinaJournal.com:
Jim and Beverly Burrows say their son returned home from last year's Governor's School "confused" about homosexuality as a result of the seminar, and that they have had to seek family counseling.

"We feel that this was totally inappropriate for the students who were 15, 16, and 17 years old," the Burrowses wrote to officials at the State Department of Public Instruction. "We feel that our rights as parents have been violated by this program."
The Burrows also alleged that students were taught to not believe what they had been taught by their parents and that the "Bible was not true, was filled with inconsistencies, and did not apply to society today."

Addressing why the seminar was not on pre-attendance literature, school director Lucy Milner said the seminar was placed on the schedule in the fifth week of the summer session because "she was approached by faculty who said students had been discussing the issue."

Um ... excuse me a second. Cough ... cough. Hold on a second ... cough.

Okay, let me see if I understand. Milner says the faculty heard students discussing the lack of a homosexual indoctrination and recruiting program? I'm supposed to believe that high school students sit around and chat about not having enough discussion of homosexuals? And, I'm supposed to believe that all these students thirsting for knowledge of homosexuals made her put it on the schedule? Excuse me again, but I find Milner's explanation thin, better yet, micro-thin. Nevertheless, it's her excuse for not having the homosexual program in the literature available to the parents.

Moving on, let's say I buy Milner's explanation. Should I then also buy that it was a mere coincidence that ... Voila! two homosexual activist teachers espousing an incendiary homosexual textbook magically appear?

Frankly, I've completely broached the threshold of being able to suspend my disbelief. I frequently suspend disbelief when watching a film, but I'm insulted when expected to do it in real life. The story that's being spewed by Milner is pure hogwash and I'm fairly confident that school officials either unknowingly promoted homosexuality through ineptitude or they knowingly did it surreptitiously to hide their agenda from the parents of the kids.

If the school is going to shove homosexual dogma into the minds of impressionable youngsters, fine, but it should be done with the parents foreknowledge. The Burrows and other families have every reason to be outraged and they should protest loudly. So far, at least three families have reported disturbing behavioral and psychological changes in their children.

With regard to Susan Wiseman's involvement, it's not clear whether or not her teaching homosexuality at the Governor's School is related to the investigation of sexual activity with a student. It is clear, however, that it's not going to help her case if she is found to have engaged in a lesbian relationship with the student. It also probably doesn't help that she is better known as a homosexual activist than as a social studies teacher at East Forsythe High School.

In conclusion, the investigation of Susan Wiseman continues and no target date for completion has been disclosed. In the meantime, someone should take a close look at the agenda of the Governor's School and make sure the parents of all students have prior knowledge of the curricula their children will be subjected to. Lastly, school director Milner should be reassigned, demoted or fired. When someone spews manure in North Carolina and I can smell it in Ohio, it's time to clean house.

Additional coverage: Free Republic

Tip: Jason Cann

[Update 05/15/06]

Susan Wiseman avoids prosecution.

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