Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alaska Considers Re-Criminalizing Marijuana

Marijuana Plant(Juneau, Alaska) Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski believes that marijuana has become a much more potent and dangerous drug and, as a result, wants the legislature to restore criminal penalties. Currently, Alaska's laws are considered the most liberal in the country.

Murkowski is pressuring the legislature to couple increased marijuana penalties with a bill that addresses the manufacture of methamphetamine. The measure is expected to pass.

Opponents argue that marijuana is an issue of personal privacy with the State Supreme Court deciding that small amounts of the drug (up to 4 ounces) are legal. Murkowski's administration contends that the potency of marijuana has evolved to the point that it's ten times stronger than it was three decades ago. As such, it's a clear and present danger for drug abusers and children.

Consequently, Murkowski would make possession of more than 4 ounces of marijuana a felony. One to four ounces would be a misdemeanor punishable by a year in jail. Less than an ounce would mandate a maximum 90-day stretch.

The ACLU is preparing to challenge the legislation if it is enacted.

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