Saturday, April 22, 2006

Li'l Baby Cruise

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes decided on the name 'Suri' for their baby which apparently has Hebrew roots. Not everyone agrees as to the exact meaning of Suri. Variously, it means "princess" or "noblewoman" or "red rose." Scholars of trivia may debate the subject for a while.

Nonetheless, Baby Suri's name is regarded as traceable to an ancient Hebrew or, possibly, Persian word with a general inference that Tom and Katie searched dusty manuscripts prior to anointing their offspring. My take is somewhat different.

To saddle a soon-to-be young lady with the label of Miss Suri Cruise or Ms. Suri Cruise, I believe a Freudian element is working and probably derived from Tom and Katie watching too many hours of Gilligan's Island.

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