Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mexicans Racing to Cross Border

(Nogales, Mexico) It's being reported that increased numbers of Mexicans are racing to the border to enter the United States illegally before Congress passes an immigration bill. A flood of people is on the move and being compared to the 1986 migration when the U.S. permitted 2.6 million trespassers to become American citizens.

This time, the draw is a bill before the U.S. Senate that could legalize some of the 11 million people now illegally in the United States while tightening border security. Migrants are hurrying to cross over in time to qualify for a possible guest-worker program - and before the journey becomes even harder.
Logically, the journey can't be too difficult if over 10 million people have succeeded. Additionally, the number doesn't include the hundreds of thousands that are apprehended and deported yearly.

Meanwhile, Congress and the Bush administration sit on their hands providing nothing more than promises and debates. And foreign citizens the world over see U.S. border security as an inconvenience, not a barrier.

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