Monday, April 17, 2006

Moussaoui Had Tough Childhood

(Alexandria, Virginia) In the death-penalty phase of the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, the defense presented a witness who testified about the circumstances that made Zack go from being a humor-filled child to murdering scum.

Jan Vogelsang, a clinical social worker, said at Moussaoui's death-penalty trial that the 37-year-old Frenchman was in and out of orphanages the first six years of his life. As a teenager, she said, he was rejected as a "dirty Arab" by the family of his longtime girlfriend, with whom he lived together briefly and won dance contests.

Moussaoui was dismissive of the social worker's analysis. He shouted "It's a lot of American B.S.," as he left the courtroom for the lunch recess.
I never thought I would agree with Moussaoui about anything, but his assessment of boo-hoos in his trial is dead-nuggets on. Everybody on trial seems to have some sort of sob story to blame for their troubles.

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