Thursday, May 04, 2006

ACLU Bullies School

As luck would have it, this post folds nicely with the previous entry on the ACLU.

(Toledo, Ohio) A student was suspended from Springfield Middle School for posting "sexually laced Web pages pretending to be a principal and a teacher." The ACLU threatened to sue. The school system caved. In a letter to the editor, Kirk Ross explains.

The school board members were unanimous in their support of the school's actions. They were all adamant that the intimidation that the student had spewed onto the Internet should not be tolerated for a moment when it impacts the ability of the school to educate its students.

But in a truly galling acknowledgment of reality, the board recognized an ugly truth. It simply did not have the financial resources to fight the specious charges that would be brought against it by the very well-heeled ACLU. The fact that the board would almost certainly win in court did not change the fact that the road to victory would be a costly one.

In the end, the board did the responsible thing and placed the good of the student body first. Purely to avoid the cost of litigation, the school board readmitted the student.
It happens all the time. Perfectly responsible organizations and individuals are being bullied by the deep pockets of the ACLU. Deep pockets, by the way, that are filled with taxpayer dollars. The American public pays the ACLU to be a bully. That's not the intent, but that's the reality.

Companion post at Conservative Thinking.

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