Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Al-Qaeda Announces Islamic Army of Jerusalem

This is curious. I sense that al-Qaeda decision-makers watch too many ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

Arab and European news agencies report receipt of a communique from an organization identifying itself as "Al-Qaeda in Palestine" announcing the formation of the Islamic Army of Jerusalem (Jaish Al-Quds Al-Islami). The army "will fight the Crusader and Jewish infidels," according to a Palestinian Authority news agency.

Agence France Press, which also received the communique, said the authenticity of the message could not be verified, but that it claimed the "army" was established by Osama Bin-Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Abu-Musab Al-Zarqawi. The AFP also reported that the Al-Qaeda in Palestine group said it would show its fighters on television to prove that "we are serious in our actions."
The message ends with some uncertainty. Sort of like, "Don't laugh. You just watch. We'll show that we really exist." As such, I wonder if they are sending a message specifically to the other terrorist groups roaming the terrain, i.e. telling Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah that they are bona fide new players in the local terror game. (H/T Right Truth)

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