One is that the border will not be secured. Instead, the U.S. will allocate resources for the National Guard to assist the Border Patrol to monitor and document trespassers better. With better surveillance using high-technology devices, more illegal aliens will be caught, and more will be sent back. Unfortunately, the plan doesn't stop people from sneaking into the U.S., it only catches more of them after they have entered. So, rather than fixing the leaky boat, we're just going to employ more bailers.
Secondly, it appears that President Bush has gone to school and learned a technique from the mainstream media. The MSM frequently alters the English language to promote their political agenda and have flooded the public with such terminology as "undocumented workers" versus "illegal aliens" and "militants" versus "terrorists." Now, President Bush proposes to pardon millions of illegal aliens and implement a citizenship program and somehow not call it "amnesty." Instead, it's "rational middle ground." Despite President Bush mouthing "rational middle ground," I suspect that millions of people south of the border heard "amnesty." They are likely packing now.
Yes, the stuck bops with President Bush and he has boldly called a spade a spork.
Companion post at The Jawa Report.
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