Monday, May 08, 2006

Illegal Iraqis Get Prison for Sneaking into U.S.

(Brownsville, Texas) Following up on a previous post, the three Iraqis who were arrested after sneaking into the U.S. have been sentenced to six months in prison. According to U.S. Magistrate Judge Felix Recio, the sentence will give Ammar Habib Zaya, Aamr Bahnan Boles and Remon Manssor Piuz enough time to apply for asylum.

If these guys were Mexicans, they would have been simply sent back or, possibly, just released and told to appear at a deportation hearing. However, since they are Christian Iraqis seeking asylum, they get six months in the slammer.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It appears that we have cafeteria-style rules governing national security.

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