Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mexico Plans "Green Wall" to Discourage Illegals

Sure, this will work.

Mexico plans to create an environmental reserve about 30 feet wide and 600 miles long on the Texas border to discourage illegal crossings.

Backers say the "green wall" is meant to protect the Rio Grande from the roads and staging areas that smugglers use to ferry drugs and migrants into the U-S.

The proposed Rio Bravo del Norte Natural Monument would connect two large protected areas south of the river.

When a third nature reserve, known as Ocampo, is created this year, the protected areas in Mexico will form a "wall" of wilderness.
It sounds like a picnic and staging area to me. Mark my words, it will be a waste of time, effort and, likely, American taxpayers dollars. I don't believe that Mexico is motivated to do anything about border security unless the U.S. government forks over money. And then, anything done will be for appearances sake only.

Mexican President Vicente Fox wants the border to disappear. President Bush wants the border problem to disappear without pissing anyone off. And Congress is largely devoid of the testosterone and backbone necessary to do anything at all. All the while, the American public is stewing, madder than hell and getting madder.

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