Monday, June 26, 2006

Muslim Newspaper Prints Pro-Bush Piece

Check out this conservative opinion piece in the Arab News. It's an attack of the liberal media by Steve Darnell, an American Navy veteran who writes a weekly column for the Russian newspaper Pravda. Here's an excerpt.
Liberals whine, cry and make up lies about the US military destroying the environment, killing innocent Iraqis and anything else they can think of to harm the Bush administration. But now, when faced with real evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they suddenly lose their voices. I think it is time for them to throw partisanship to the wind and admit that we were justified to invade Iraq. But somehow I know this won’t happen and politics will continue as normal. What are my predictions of what will happen in the next few weeks?

The liberal media will cover the story for a few days and come to the conclusion that Karl Rove invented the whole thing. The artillery shells were actually filled with camel dung from Saddam’s private camel herd.
The piece is pro-Bush and pro-Iraq War while it soundly slams the liberal media and the environmentalists. Astonishingly, it appears in Saudi Arabia's Wahabbist house organ, The Arab News. I admit. My jaw dropped. Strange things do happen.

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