Monday, July 10, 2006

Americans Beheaded & Mutilated by Al Qaeda

Breaking story!

Rusty Shackleford has the images and video released on the Internet today by an al Qaeda-linked group. The video shows the mutilated bodies of two American soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division, Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker. The imagery is graphic and disturbing. Readers are strongly cautioned.

Hopefully, Americans become familiar with these latest atrocities and they reacquire the visceral disgust and outrage experienced on 9/11. Only when the public is seething can we hope to force the SCOTUS and Congress to drop their namby-pamby "detainees rights" philosophy toward fighting a war and adopt an attitude which supports defeating a barbarian enemy.

The United States has been speaking softly long enough. It's time for the big stick.

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