Saturday, July 15, 2006

Justifying Honor Killings

The struggle toward 21st Century human rights principles among the followers of the religion of peace is demonstrated by this report from the Turkish Daily News.
A study by the Diyarbakir Bar Association Women's Rights Consultation Center showed that courts had accepted rape, rumors about cheating or simply walking around with men as mitigating factors in 46 of 59 "honor killing" cases in Diyarbakir courts between 1999 and 2005.
Consequently, I wouldn't be surprised to see an accused murderer justifying his complicity in an honor killing by pointing to rumors reported in a celebrity gossip magazine.
"Yes, your Honor. The fact that she was raped by her uncle was reason enough for her to die, however, I also read that she had winked at a man during a bus trip. Then I saw her walking in the company of men. For these immoral acts, the honor of the family was deeply besmirched and she had to be killed."
Sadly, we don't hear many complaints from international human rights organizations on this issue. Presumably, they are busy worrying about the rights of terrorists.

Companion posts at The Jawa Report and In The Bullpen.

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