Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Brit Health System Kills Boy

Tom Blumer pointed me to this story which needs to get wide exposure. In particular, those individuals who are enchanted with the rejected HillaryCare medical scheme need to acclimate themselves to the following. It's a prime example of the type of 'accident' that results regularly in socialist health care systems.

From Daily Mail:
Earlier this month, leading orthopaedic surgeon Simon Moyes, who put patients at risk of infections by re-using surgical equipment, escaped punishment after it was claimed such practices are widespread in the NHS due to cost cutting.
In a nutshell, a doctor screws up, re-uses surgical equipment, a boy dies as a result, and there are no consequences because "everybody does it." Bottom line -- there are no funds for new equipment.

Remember this, all you leftists. Your socialist schemes are doomed to failure for the simple reason that money is finite while Marxist promises are infinite. If everyone is promised everything, bankruptcy results and, in the case of health care, people die.

Tom details the whole ugly event and expresses his anger at BizzyBlog. Go visit.

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