Sunday, August 06, 2006

DeWine and Brown and Blandness

A Dan Chaon Op-Ed in today's New York Times focuses on Sen. Mike DeWine and his challenger in the November election, Rep. Sherrod Brown.
Though they both seem like basically nice guys, so far neither comes across as particularly well endowed in the charisma department. Both exude a certain eau de bureaucrat: Senator DeWine might be an assistant principal at your local middle school; Representative Brown might manage the men's wear department at the new Macy's. My wife says, "It's the bland leading the bland."
I tend to agree. But isn't it true of most politicians? They lead their lives, both personal and professional, trying not to offend public sensitivities. DeWine, Brown and most of the others in Congress can be likened to trays of hospital food sans salt and pepper. Here, America, eat. We won't upset your stomach and you'll stay alive.

As leaders, they make good sergeants privates, looking to be commanded.


Oops! I apologize for my thoughtlessness in the unintended slam against sergeants. As pointed out by a commenter, sergeants (all NCOs) are the backbone of the service and, in many cases, the only true leadership in a unit.

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