Monday, August 14, 2006

UK's National Health Service Wastes Billions

The National Health Service (NHS), the socialized medical care system in the United Kingdom, is soundly criticized by a recent report from Civitas, the Institute for the Study of Civil Society. The think-tank states that NHS productivity has fallen while the costs have dramatically risen. A leap in spending from 44 billion British pounds to more than 76 billion British pounds has occurred in the past six years.

From Sky News:
Evidence has shown that some patients are kept in ambulances outside hospital until staff are sure they can be seen within the four-hour A and E target, it added. [A and E = Emergency Room]

On public health, obesity rates have risen by a "staggering" 500% since 1980 and nearly 25% of the adult population is clinically obese, it said.

On death rates from strokes, the UK is the only country among several developed nations where there has been "virtually no improvement" between 1999 and 2003.

Report author James Gubb said: "Service improvement has in too many areas resembled a country stroll, whereas expenditure has increased at a sprint."

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