Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dangerous Illegal Alien Arrested and Released

(Lubbock, Texas) A 39-year-old previously deported illegal alien, Erasmo Varges, was arrested this past weekend during a prostitution sting and then released on bond. Varges gave police a false name and by the time his identity was confirmed, he had bonded out of jail. He goes by many aliases including Herasmo Vargas, Erasmo Frutes or Erasmo Vargasfrutis.

From KCBD.com:
The immigration department calls him a dangerous illegal alien. Officials say he has ties here and could be hiding out in Lubbock.

The 39-year-old has had many run-ins with the law dating back to 1990 when he was first deported. Then in 2000 he was charged with sexually assaulting an 18-year-old female in Lubbock County. He was convicted on those charges and deported for a second time in 2001. Varges resurfaced in the U.S. in 2003 in Phoenix, Arizona and was deported for yet a third time. But this time a federal warrant for violation of immigration as a deported felon was issued. Meaning if he returned to the states he could serve up to 15 years.

According to the Texas Sex Offender Registry, Varges is listed as deported, but Lubbock Police found him here in the hub this weekend allegedly trying to buy sex.
Deported three times and Varges is back, fully prepared to commit more crimes. Deportation is merely an exercise if the border is porous.

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