Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sherrod Brown Votes Against National Security

I can't fathom how the liberal mind views national security. Where I believe that defense of the nation is paramount, it's likely a safe guess that most of the leftist politicians would prefer to see the defense of the country given the lowest priority of all the issues before them.

For example, as a congressman Sherrod Brown is a typical liberal who promotes the typical leftist agenda and votes against national security measures seemingly all the time. Yet, most disturbing is the fact that Brown fails to take even a reasonable level of interest in national security by neglecting to attend important policy meetings.

On the other hand, his frequent absences during policy discussions could possibly be considered a positive, i.e. he can't advocate a weaker national defense if he's not there.

For the details, Matt Hurley summarizes Sherrod Brown's track record at WMD.

It's really troubling that Brown is ahead of DeWine in the polls. Based upon his job performance as a U.S. Representative, it seems clear that Brown doesn't fully appreciate how dangerous the enemies of the United States are.

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