Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Muj TV Is Not A Duck

Bill Roggio of The Fourth Rail, on location in Iraq, reports details about the satellite television station al-Zawraa, stating that it has been tagged as a propaganda and front organization for al-Qaeda. Al-Zawraa, known by the Iraqis as Muj TV, is operated by Mishan al-Jabouri who, predictably, has issues with Roggio's assertions.

In an email to Bill, al-Jabouri vehemently refutes the contention that Muj TV has anything to do with al-Qaeda. He then describes the purpose of the station in glowing patriotic terms using phraseology that could have easily been gleaned from the al-Qaeda tactical media manual.
We can assure you that Alzawraa TV has no relations whatsoever with Al-Qaeda as you claimed but it respects those Mujahideen who devoted and sacrifice themselves to defend Sunnis who are targeted by both American army and Sectarian militias encouraged by the sectarian Government of Al- Maliky and other slaughterers...
In summary, Bill Roggio says Muj TV is cozy with al-Qaeda. Al-Jabouri says Muj TV is not cozy with al-Qaeda. Al-Jabouri then describes the purposes of Muj TV while apparently failing to recognize that his description could also be used by al-Qaeda to define its purposes.

Simplistically, Bill says it's a duck. Jabouri says it's not a duck, rather, it's something that quacks, has a bill, webbed feet and feathers. But it's not a duck.

More importantly, Roggio relates that U.S. military and intelligence authorities are allowing the continued operation of Muj TV since the intelligence gleaned from its operation is more valuable than the benefit to be derived by shutting it down. Consequently, Muj TV will continue to recruit and propagandize for insurgent and al-Qaeda forces.

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