Wednesday, January 03, 2007

UN Sex Crimes Tour - Sudan 2007

After its memorable engagement in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2004 and 2005, the United Nations Sex Crimes Tour has landed in Sudan for an extended peacekeeping stay.

As readers may recall, the Congo engagement was quite newsworthy, widely-reported and critically reviewed. It included the molestation and rape of countless Congolese girls and male translators, the launching and operation of an Internet pedophile ring, and hundreds of underage girls having babies by UN peacekeepers.

For 2007, the UN Sex Crimes Tour has established Sudan as a base of operations and reviews indicate that previous accomplishments in the Congo may be surpassed. There are already dozens of reports of UN soldiers having peacekeeping sex with children as young as 12 years old.

Additionally, for the enduring pleasure of peacekeeping enthusiasts, the Sudanese government has been collecting video footage of UN soldiers administering forceful sessions of peacekeeping to children.

In conclusion, initial reports suggest that a remarkable presence in southern Sudan has already been achieved by the UN and it's easy to speculate that 2007 will be another banner year for peacekeeping soldiers deployed on the UN Sex Crimes Tour.

Future tour dates and locations have not been announced.

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