Monday, February 05, 2007

The Gore-Derived Effect

As I understand it, the Gore Effect is a well-documented phenomenon that leads to very low, unseasonal temperatures, driving rain, hail, snow or all of the above whenever Al Gore shows up and speaks of global warming. Based on recent evidence, there seems to be a corollary to the Gore Effect, the Gore-Derived Effect which displays all the characteristics of the Gore Effect but without Al Gore doing the speaking. Instead, some other liberal ideologue, such as French President Jacques Chirac, does the speaking.

I simply cannot ignore the timing of Chirac's statement on Saturday ringing alarm about global warming. For two miserable days and forecast for two more, it has been single-digit temperatures in my region. In all candor, even if global warming were not primarily a political power grab, Chirac would be at a loss to pump smoke up my frozen cheeks.

I look out my window and the thermometer reads one freakin' degree Fahrenheit and the television news informs me that every school within 100 miles of Cleveland is closed due to the cold weather. But forget that, Chirac wants to spin me up about how hot it's getting to be.

You'd think the global warming alarmists would wait until summer before telling us that we are all going to die from the heat -- not smack dab in the gut of a cold-ass winter.

The Gore-Derived Effect is the phenomenon where a liberal policy wonk will try to convince the public that the Earth is getting too hot at the same time the local temperature drops below freezing.

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