The men were from Muslim Malaysia and the hookers were all Indonesian.
A police team led by Corporal Samsudin Rahmat was patrolling the waters off of Tanjung Piai, an island between Malaysia and Indonesia, when they spotted the brothel disguised as a fishing vessel. Noticing three men jump into the water at the odd hour of midnight, the police sensed extra fishiness about the vessel and boarded it.
Reportedly, hookers on the high seas is a thriving industry in the region. Private ship owners are regularly approached by crime syndicates to rent their boats for the night, intending on taking five to 10 Indonesian prostitutes out to make money. They anchor off the Malaysian coast and wait for the men to arrive for a night of purchased passion. The going rate is $100. Shuttle craft depart from Kukup piers. Ask your cabbie for directions.
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