This week, it's reported that Skinner pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual abuse of a child and was sentenced to eight years probation. She was also ordered to register as a sex offender and she cannot have contact with children 17 and under nor live within 1,000 feet of a school. Failure to meet the terms of her probation could send Skinner to prison for two to ten years.
Nonetheless, the victim's family was angered by the sentence. According to the father, Skinner fed some type of pills and alcohol to the boy before sexually abusing him and she was never indicted for the alleged acts. The family's attorney, Ronald Raydon, was also disappointed.
"I do think they should have brought all charges -- they should have taken everything to the full extent because they have got to start treating women that do these crimes the same way they treat the men in order to hopefully get some type of a deterrent or bring more awareness to the community about what's going on," he said.Yep. And, take it from me, it's going on.
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