Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Professor Dumped for Insulting Veil

(Tehran, Iran) An Iranian fine art professor at Tehran University, Nureddin Zarrinkelk, was fired and banned from teaching at any university for insulting the dignity of a veiled woman.

Zarrinkelk apparently was holding a classroom discussion over an image of a bald angel drawn by a student when the professor asked the woman if she wore the full veil because she herself was bald.

Although the question seems rather inconsequential, Science Minister Mohammad-Mehdi Zahedi declared that Zarrinkelk had shamelessly insulted the Islamic hijab which is a direct insult to Islam. Zahedi then fired Zarrinkelk.

As is typical, students protested, "bearing banners that urged Zahedi to act against such actions or resign."

Frankly, I'm perplexed as to how the dignity of a woman could be insulted when she, or any other woman, is unidentifiable behind the veil. Not only that, but evidence indicates that Muslim women are stigmatized as subordinate humans from cradle to grave. Just how much dignity is left to insult?

On the other hand, I can see how asking a question about the Muslim veil would insult Islam. It seems virtually anything can insult Islam.

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