In November, Baird pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree felony forcible sexual abuse in exchange for the prosecution dropping counts of forcible sodomy, supplying alcohol to a minor and dealing harmful material to a minor.
In January 2007, 3rd District Judge Mark Kouris ordered Baird to undergo a 90-day psychological evaluation period with the Utah Prison system.
In April, it was reported that Judge Kouris sentenced Baird to probation.
However, according to the latest report, Baird was actually sentenced to a one-year jail term, starting in January. It has also been reported that Baird was released early from Tooele County Detention Center after her attorney told Judge Kouris that there have been no incidents during her incarceration.
Consequently, Baird served less than half of her sentence. She will be fitted with an ankle bracelet and allowed to serve the balance of her term on house arrest.
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