Be prepared, you're going to need some cash. As a minimum, purchase of an airline ticket and a rental car will be required. Planning on an overnight stay would be prudent, therefore, that cost should be added.

A short ride northwest of St. John's, Newfoundland
First, an airline flight must be booked to St. John's, Newfoundland. Connections out of Ottawa, Montreal or Toronto via Air Canada are possible. Upon arrival, rent a car.
Taking Canada Route 1 west out of St. John's, continue a few dozen miles to the Blaketown/South Dildo turnoff and go north. Travel through Blaketown to South Dildo and then go west toward Old Shop. Note that the roads turn to unimproved, typically gravel, on the way to Old Shop. From Old Shop, continue on the unimproved road west toward Spread Eagle.
Alternatively, one may opt to continue straight north through South Dildo to Broad Cove. Exiting Broad Cove, you'll see Dildo. For a nominal fee, one could hire a dinghy and sail across the bay. It's a straight shot, Dildo to Spread Eagle. This option would likely be more scenic and enjoyable, weather permitting, and allow the vacationers to add "Dinghying between Dildo and Spread Eagle" to their travelogues.
For more information, email Double Entendre Vacations c/o this blog.
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