Monday, July 09, 2007

Muslim Juror Arrested for Listening to MP3 Under Hajib

(London, England) Frankly, a person could hide many things under a hajib. However, it's not a good idea for a juror to be listening to an MP3 player during a high-profile murder case.

From TimesOnline:
In what is considered the first case of its kind, the woman was arrested for contempt of court after another member of the jury passed a note revealing the indiscretion to the judge, Roger Chapple.

The judge - who previously suspected that he had heard "tinny music" in the background, but dismissed it as his imagination - called the woman into court on her own, and said: "You are going to be discharged from this jury. You will play no further role."

A police officer then stepped forward and escorted her from court. Outside the woman - who is in her 20s, but cannot be identified for legal reasons - was searched, the MP3 player was found and confiscated, and she was arrested. Contempt of court carries a maximum sentence of an unlimited fine and indefinite imprisonment.
The woman involved was a problem juror for the court. She repeatedly tried to avoid jury duty and, when she was finally selected and seated, she couldn't show up on time. Also, some individuals in court were concerned about her lack of interest and participation. With the MP3 incident, she now has a court date of her own on July 23rd.

Regarding what she was listening to? I'm guessing Cat Stevens.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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