(Fargo, North Dakota) The day before a man is to get married, he gets arrested for public fornication with a woman other than his fiancee. It appears he wanted to eke out one last measure of promiscuity from his bachelorhood.
"Just a minute, Officer. I'll be right with you." [ed.]Nathan Ross Blair, 24, and Chandra Schaefer, 20, were arrested after police received two reports within 90 seconds about 3:15 a.m. that a man in a black kilt was exposing himself and then seen having sex with a woman on a car in the 1000 block of North University Drive, according to police dispatch logs.
According to Cass County District Court documents:Police found Blair and Schaefer intertwined near a pine tree after a friend pointed them out to police officers responding to the complaints. All three were walking home when Blair and Schaefer told their friend to keep walking. She turned around to see them having sex on the hood of a car, she told police.
When police shined a flashlight on the pair, Blair turned around and looked at the officer but continued having sex with Schaefer until the officer ordered him to stop.
Schaefer was then instructed to put her pants on.So, a "friend" directed the police to the intertwined couple. Just wondering, exactly whose friend would that be?
When questioned by police, Blair denied exposing himself to passing cars or having sex with Schaefer on the car.
Blair was booked on charges of fornicating in a public place and indecent exposure. Both were cited for allegedly being intoxicated. Attempts to contact the fiancee were unsuccessful.
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