Rice's arrest came about four months after the Tacoma School District investigated her for socializing with students outside the school setting, district spokeswoman Leanna Albrecht said Monday.Yesterday, Rice was charged with first-degree kidnapping with sexual motivation. In shackles and wearing an orange jail uniform, Rice cried but said nothing as a not guilty plea was entered on her behalf before Pierce County Superior Court Judge Katherine Stolz.
Rice was placed on leave when that investigation was launched April 20 and later was told her contract would not be renewed, Albrecht said.
Rice was booked into custody with bail set at $500,000. Prosecutors said more charges are likely to be filed against her.
See also KRS and BBT.
Tip: Don Morgenstern
[Update 08/30/07]
Public defender Melanie MacDonald asked Judge Kathryn Stolz to ease the restriction on Rice for communicating with people under 18 when it comes to her own children. The judge said she can write and call her own children while incarcerated.
[Update 09/13/07]
New charges filed against Rice.
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