Friday, September 14, 2007

Arkansas Nurse Arrested for Naughty with Boy

(Jonesboro, Arkansas) A 32-year-old nurse, Laura Elizabeth Newberry, was arrested for allegedly engaging in sex with a 16-year-old boy in a Consolidated Youth Services (CYS) classroom.

CYS is described as a shelter for boys and girls aged 8 through 17 who are homeless or delinquent due to drugs, alcohol or immaturity. The alleged sex is reported to have occurred in an empty classroom, however, it's not reported how the authorities were alerted.

Newberry faces one count of first-degree sexual assault, a crime which carries a possible 10 to 40 years in prison. Of course, given the general leniency shown towards female sex offenders, a conviction for Newberry will probably result in probation and community service.

Newberry was booked and released Tuesday on $1,500 bond.

Tip: Don Morgenstern

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