Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Doctor: You Want Treatment? Get Out of Canada!

Both BizzyBlog and Porkopolis grabbed this story before me.

From TheStar.com:
OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
This illustrates a major problem with universal health care. Too many problems chasing too few dollars produces unhealthy waiting times for care. Lack of prompt health care equals reduced levels of health care.

Assuming Bill Clinton back-doors a third term in the Oval Office and he and Hillary take a second, and successful, shot at socialized medicine, what on Earth are the Canadians going to do? Think about it. As a minimum, there should be some rumblings of Canadians protesting universal health care in the United States.

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