Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Robbers Shot, One Killed

(Brunswick, Georgia) Two armed robbers high on crack cocaine intruded on a late-night party of young adults as partygoers kept arriving. The house, occupied by Josh Stout, Robert Herd and Leah Whitman, had one visitor who was carrying a .45-caliber pistol in his waistband. Hector, the visitor, interrupted the robbery.
"He took both of them out before either had a chance to shoot back," Herd said. "It all happened so fast ... It's a blur."

The suspect in the kitchen was shot in the abdomen; the one in the hallway was fatally shot in the right side.

"After Hector shot (the robbers), we all crawled out the windows of the house, and (Hector) stayed inside to make sure we got out safe," Whitman said.

The suspect who was fatally shot tried to run up the stairs after he was wounded and died at the top of the staircase, said witnesses at the home on Monday.The other suspect managed to walk out to the front porch, where he was found by city police and rushed to the emergency room of the Brunswick hospital of Southeast Georgia Health System.
Cheers for Hector!

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