Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lose Child Custody for Not Teaching Homosexuality

The United Kingdom has officially jumped the shark in assuring the welfare of foster children and, by logical extension, all children.

According to the new Sexual Orientation Regulations of the Equality Act 2006, foster parents are required to sign a formal contract with the government which specifies that children aged 11 and older will be taught that homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality. Also included are provisions for adolescent teens to attend homosexual association meetings.

Foster parents who refuse to sign the contract will be expelled from the register of approved foster parents and custody of their children will be taken away. Therefore, the furtherance of the homosexual agenda in society is more important than giving children the best possible care.

One might think that the UK has an overabundance of foster parents waiting for children and qualified people can be easily jettisoned. Untrue! In fact, there's a gaping shortage of foster caregivers.

But it doesn't make a difference. In 21st Century Britain, homosexuality trumps everything, even the well-being of children.

Tip: Travis Evans

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