Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hillary Stacks the Deck

(Newton, Iowa) The Clinton campaign has resorted to planting audience members with scripted questions to ask during Q & A at Hillary's speeches. What a shock!
On Tuesday Nov. 6, the Clinton campaign stopped at a biodiesel plant in Newton as part of a weeklong series of events to introduce her new energy plan. The event was clearly intended to be as much about the press as the Iowa voters in attendance, as a large press core helped fill the small venue. Reporters from many major national news outlets came to the small Iowa town, from such media giants as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, and CNN.

After her speech, Clinton accepted questions. But according to Grinnell College student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff '10, some of the questions from the audience were planned in advance. "They were canned," she said. Before the event began, a Clinton staff member approached Gallo-Chasanoff to ask a specific question after Clinton’s speech. "One of the senior staffers told me what [to ask]," she said.
Actually, nobody should be surprised. Being slippery is a universally-recognized Clinton attribute and nobody is more slippery than a card cheat who stacks the deck.

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