Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hot-Linking Confessions

This all happened today.

Charlotte, NC, resident and al-Qaeda supporter Samir "Sammy" Khan posted some disturbing and graphic images of dead soldiers on his jihad website in a post that celebrated death to the U.S. military. Unfortunately, he hot-linked some images from The Jawa Report.

When webmaster Rusty Shackleford saw that Sammy's images were hot-linked, he went and changed the pictures to anti-jihadist images. So, instead of having a series of pictures of dead Americans, Sammy saw a series of anti-Islamist images being led by the frequently-used "The Jawa Report -- He's Watching You" graphic.

Sammy had a cow and responded by sending Rusty a death threat -- actually a series of death threats.

See the whole scenario play out here and here.

Honestly, I'm still chuckling.

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