Sunday, December 02, 2007

Avoiding the Smoking Ban

(Bellingham, Washington) The only local establishment where people can legally light up their favorite tobacco product is the Cobra Lounge, owned by Paul Green and Erin Cobb.

The Cobra Lounge sidesteps the statewide law against smoking which was passed ostensibly to protect "workers" from second-hand smoke.

From the Seattle Times:
The trick is that Green and Cobb actually opened two places. In one, they sell the tobacco (called shisha) along with private club memberships ($1 for life!). In the other, 10 steps along the alley, is the club. That's where the smoking happens. There are no workers there -- it's like a co-op -- so it's exempt from the ban.
I have to applaud Green and Cobb for their innovation. Despite the statewide ban, they have opened a place that's legal -- for now. Local authorities are not amused and have ominously vowed to investigate.

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